Handelsrecht und -verträge
We advise domestic and international companies and individuals on all aspects of contract law and support them with customised services and solutions. This includes defining the appropriate contractual setup, evaluating offers, drafting or reviewing of the relevant documents as well as negotiating and implementing them. If circumstances change or problems arise in the performance of the contract, we assess the best solution with the client and support its implementation.
Our lawyers have profound knowledge of and extensive experience in a wide range of contracts across various industries. Our key areas include sales and supply, manufacturing and other works, distribution, service, agency, rental and leasing, development, license, joint venture and cooperation agreements as well as General Terms and Conditions (GTC).
We provide interdisciplinary advice also on other issues related to such contracts or GTC (e.g. related to employment, competition/antitrust, intellectual property and data protection law, regulatory requirements, or tax law).